Easy tracking of your parcels in real time.

Parcel info in just a few seconds

In case you would require fast and relevant information regarding your shipment use our parcel tracking service. Track the route of your parcel from dispatch to delivery by using the parcel(s) ID. On the day of delivery, you can easily check the exact time of the courier’s arrival.

Be informed promptly!

Customers who submit an e-mail address or phone number necessary for the prenotification when shipping the parcel, our customized e-mails or phone messages will ensure that the consignee receives all useful information in a timely manner . With our support you can track the parcel being delivered, redirect it to a parcel shop or a parcel locker, and if the payment mode is set to “collect on delivery”, change it to prepayment whenever you find it more suitable. Through these messages you will be immediately informed regarding all the circumstances that may change during delivery, making our work predictable and transparent.

Do you require further help?

Feel free to contact us on the contact details below. Our colleagues are at your disposal via call centre, e-customer service by and the chatbot function.

Call centre

Online Customer Service



Follow the parcel being delivered using our Parcel Tracking service. Be informed regarding the number of stops that the courier needs to make before arriving to your address and calculate the exact remaining time. Parcel Tracking

Yes, the details of the delivery can be modified online, for which modification our prenotification messages will provide a guideline, but only on the first day and on one occasion. In case you are not at home in the time frame defined for delivery, you can ask for a redirection to a parcel shop or a parcel locker and pick up the parcel when it is most suitable for you. While the modification to a parcel shop or a parcel locker can only be made online, all the other changes can be facilitated by our Customer Service as well.

Our system will automatically, only offer the modifications still available, due to the fact that possibility of address/date change, redirection to a parcel shop or parcel locker will be offered only on the first delivery day and on one occasion.
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